Latest English Practice Set-3 for SSC,WBCS
প্রিয় পাঠক, আজকে তোমাদের সামনে SSC,WBCS,PSC পরীক্ষার উপযোগী ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন (Latest English Practice Set-3)তুলে ধরলাম। আশা করি এটা তোমাদের খুব কাজে লাগবে।
English-Practice Set-Miscellaneous -set 3
1)In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
A) Magnify
B) Imagine
C) Reinforce
2)In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word
A) Unsociable
B) Unsympathetic
3)Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.
A) Serendipty
B) Serendipity
C) Serndipity
D) Sernidipity
Directions (4-6) In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and choose the alternatives corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, choose the “No error” option.
4)Considering the (A)/gravity of the problems (B)/an early reply has expected (C)/No Error(D)
5)The Statesman has the (A)/larger circulation(B)/of all English dailies(C)/No Error (D)
6)I am very anxious (A)/to know how are you (B)/and mother are doing (C)/No Error (D)
Directions (7-9) The sentence given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative.
7)Everything ……carefully checked.
A) has been
B) have been
C) are being
D) is been
8)I’ve ……finished painting the house
A) about
B) nearing
C) towards
D) almost
9) She ……made him angry.
A) have absolutely
B) has certainly
C) have certainly
D) has absolutely
Read More: –Conjunction type error part -How to find out
Directions (10-12) In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase
10)Burn your boats
A) have a burning desire to win
B) become extremely tired after working very hard
C) Do something that makes it impossible to return to the previous situation
D) want to spend money as soon as you get it
11)Dressing -down
A) Apply bandage
B) wear an expressive gown
C) give a scolding
D) pretend
12)Null & void
A) invalid
B) observant
C) Uncontrolled
D) Homeless
Direction (13-15) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences
13)write or carve words on stone or paper
A) sketch
B) imprint
C) affix
D) Inscribe
14)Unable to pay one’s debt
A) insolvent
B) impute
C) indebt
D) obligate
15)Trouble and annoy continually
A) complaint
B) Harass
C) Punish
Directions (16-20) In each of the following questions a sentence/ a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Four alternatives are given to the old part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, choose the alternative corresponding to “No improvement”
16)The Chairman’s harsh words like insult to injury to the embarrassed speaker
A) added
B) evoked
C) invoked
D) No improvement
17)He in of sorts today
A) out
B) on
C) outside
D) No improvement
18)She told to me the news
A) said me
B) said to me
C) told me
D) No improvement
19)The philanthropist bestowed a lakh to the orphanage
A) granted
B) parted with
C) donated
D) No improvement
Also Read: –Thirty-five Phobia Related One Word Substitutions
20)There are a better ways of solving the problems
A) There are different ways of solving a problem
B) There is a better way of looking at the problems
C) There are better ways of solving the problem
D) No improvement
Latest English Practice Set-3-Answer
EXAGGERATE- to make something seem larger
GREGARIOUS-Liking to be with other people
Serendipity-the fact of something interesting or pleasant happening by chance
Passive of Present simple i.e an early reply is expected …..should be used
Here, Superlative degree should be used. Largest circulation ……
Here, affirmative i.e to how you should be used Use of ‘are’ is superfluous
Everything is a singular subject. Hence, has been (passive)…..should be used
Almost –not quite, nearly
Certainly –without doubt, definitely
Burn your boats/bridges –to do something that makes it impossible to return to the previous situation later
Dressing –down- an occasion when somebody speaks angrily to a person because they have done something wrong
Null and void –having no legal force, not valid
Out of sorts- ill/sick or upset
Told –said to
It is not proper to use preposition ‘to’ with ‘told’
Bestowed (upon)-to give something to somebody
It is no proper to use a better ways(plural)
Problem should be used.