Quantifiers word error rule
Today we are presenting you a short note on important Quantifiers word error rule. This article is very important for your upcoming exams.
English-Study Mate- Rules of Quantifiers-Little/Few for Error Spotting
Type of word-Quantifiers (Little/Few)
A) With Article (A/AN) –A Little/A Few
i) Meaning-means a small amount, but it is enough
ii) have a positive meaning
iii)Usage-Use “A Little” with singular uncountable noun
I have a little money, enough for the cinema at least
I have a little milk left. There is enough to share
iv)Use “a few” with plural countable noun
We stayed a few days in Florence and visited the Victoria memorial
I have got a few questions to ask.
The train leaves in a few minute
B) Without Article- (Little/Few)
i) Meaning-means a small amount but it is not enough
ii)have a negative meaning
iii) Usage-Use “Little” with uncountable noun
I have little money, I really cannot afford to go out.
iv) Usage- Use “few” with plural countable noun
I am so pleased that I have few arguments with my colleagues.
Few people have seen this cinema.
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C)With Article The– (The Few / The Little)
i)Meaning-The “Few” means not many but all of them
He lost the few friends he had.
She wants to spend the few days left to her in solitude
ii)Meaning-The Little means not much but all of that much
He drank off the little milk we had.
D) With “of”-A little of, A few of
We use “of” with a little and a few when they come before article (a/an,the), demonstratives (this,that), possessives (my, your) or pronouns (him, them)
A few of his films were seen abroad
Put the flour into a bowl, blend with a little of the milk, beat in the egg yolks, then the sugar, and the rest of the milk.
Type of word-Quantifiers (Some/Few)
A) Few
i) Few indicated a number that is less than 5
ii) Used to modify countable noun
iii) can indicate a negative impression
iv) can be used as a determiner, pronoun, adjective and noun
B) Some
i) Some implies a number between 5 an above
ii) Some is applicable to both countable and uncountable noun
iii) Some creates a positive thought
iv) can be used as pronoun and a determiner.
Example- She had some interest in the job
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Directions: Complete the sentence with -A Little, Little, Few, The Few
1)I have…..good friends. I am not lonely.
Ans- a few
2)He has …education. He cannot read or write & he can hardly count.
3)There are…..people She really trusts.it is bit sad.
4)we have got …..time at the weekend. Would you like to meet.
Ans-a little
5)Julie gave us …apples from her garden. Shall we share them?
Ans- a few
6)There are …women politician in the USA. Many people think there should be more.
7)There is …milk left in the fridge. It should be enough for our coffee.
Ans-a little
8)…children from this school go on to university unfortunately
Ans- few
9)She is lucky. She has …problems.
10)London has…sunshine in the winter. That is why so many British people go on holiday to sunny places
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Directions: Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it.
1.A) According to the data released by the commerce ministry/B) the monthly steel imports have been over one millions tones for the last a few /d) months and are rising/E) No error
Delete “a”
Rule-meaning sense
2.A) She is /B) one of the little people /C) who i think/ D) might be good at the job /E) No error
Replace- “little” by “few”
3.A) He reached home/B) leaving aside all other work/C) but his father had /D) left the home few minutes earlier/E) No error
Replace- “few” by “a few”
4.A) A few word of /B) gratitude are enough/C) to express your/D) feeling sincerely/E) No error
Replace “word” by “words”
Rule-a few +plural countable noun
5.A) If you look up tea in a cookery book /B) you may find a little instructions /C) that give you no help/ D)on several important points /E) No error
Replace “a little” by “a few”