Para-jumbled Questions with Tricks
Hello readers, we are providing Para-jumbled Questions with Tricks, which is based on Banking exam. Read it.
English-Practice set-Para-jumbled-Set 1
Directions (1-5): – Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph & then answer the questions given below.
A) Refund orders are issued by the central Excise & Customs departments in favour of payees
B) The government departments are authorised to issue cheques within the drawing limit permitted to them.
C)While paying, the bank should have cheques as well as advice at the time of payment.
D)The credit to these accounts is received through budget allocations by the respective ministries
E) No overdraft is to be allowed in these accounts.
F) Specials cheque books are used by the government.
G) They are supplied by the department and are paid for by the banks.
1)Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement
i) A ii) E iii) G iv) B v) D
2) Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement
i)A ii) D iii) G iv) B v) F
3) Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement
i)A ii) E iii) G iv) C v) D
4) Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement
i) F ii) E iii) G iv) B v) D
5) Which of the following should be the SEVENTH sentence after rearrangement
1)A 2) C 3) G 4) B 5) D
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Directions (6-10): – Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph & then answer the questions given below.
A) In fact, he believed that customers are at the origin, the source of the money we have
B) The customer thus has the power to fire everybody in the company from chairman to the shop clerk.
C)Management can ensure this does not happen by motivating employees to cultivate meaningful relationship with customer
D)Sam Walton built his Walmart business empire knowing there was only one boss the customers.
E) So, it is not the company which pays us but the customer
F) He can achieve this by simply spending his money elsewhere.
1)Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement
i)A ii) E iii) G iv) B v) D
2) Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement
i)A ii) D iii) G iv) B v) F
3) Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement
i)A ii) E iii) G iv) C v) D
4) Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement
i)F ii) E iii) G iv) B v) D
5) Which of the following should be the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement
i)A ii) C iii) G iv) B v) D
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Para-jumbled Questions with Tricks-Answer (1-5): -BFGEDC
Explanations with tricks (1-5)
1)C sentence will be LAST. It is future tense. Generally future tense should be last.
2)If a sentence starts with subject matter then that sentence will definitely the FIRST sentence in the paragraph to be formed. So, B sentence should be the FIRST
3)If a particular word is repeated in more than one sentence then the sentence can be place one by one in the paragraph. Here the word is cheque/government. So, next sentence should be F. So, arrangements are BF
4)Third sentence should be G. Because The word they refer to cheques. So, arrangements are BFG
5)According to meaning Fourth sentence should be E. So, Arrangements are BFGE
6) Repeated words accounts in D sentence. So, arrangements are BFGED
7)SIXTH sentence should be A
8)So arrangements are BFGEDAC
Para-jumbled Questions with Tricks-Answer (6-10): – DAEBFC
Explanations with tricks (6-10)
1)If a sentence starts with a name then that sentence should be FIRST. So D is first sentence
2)particular world customer is repeated. so AEB should be gradually. So, arrangements are DAEB
3)According to meanings FITH & SIX sentence should be F & C respectively
4)So final arrangement should be DAEBFC
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