Computer MCQ for competitive exams
প্রিয় পাঠক, আজকে তোমাদের সামনে চাকরির পরীক্ষার উপযোগী কম্পিউটার এর টপিক অনুযায়ী(Computer MCQ for competitive exams) প্রশ্ন তুলে ধরলাম।
Computer-Data Determination related MCQ
1) | The digits of the binary system are called | a) Byte’s b) Bit’s c) Nibble’s d) Number’s | c |
2) | A unit of eight Bit memory cell groups is called a | a) Bit b) Nibble c) Byte d) Digit | c |
3) | A KB in computer technology is equal to | a)1024 bytes b)1020 bytes c)1000 bytes d)1022 bytes | a |
4) | A unit of measure equals to approximately 1 billion bytes is called a | a)1 MB b)2 MB c)2 GB d)1 GB | d |
5) | Which of the following is a unit measurement used with computer system? | a) Byte b) Megabyte c) Gigabyte d)All of these | d |
6) | One thousand bytes represent a | a) Megabyte b) Gigabyte c) kilobyte d) None of these | c |
7) | It is approximately a million bytes | a) Megabyte b) Gigabyte c) Kilobyte d)none of these | a |
8) | How many values can be represented by a single byte | a)4 b)16 c)64 d)256 | d |
9) | One megabyte equals approximately | a)1000 bits b)1000 bytes c)1 million bytes d)1 million bits | c |
10) | A string of eight 0s & 1s is called a | a) Megabyte b) Byte c) Kilobyte d) Gigabyte | b |
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Computer-RAM related MCQ
1) | What does RAM stand for | A) Read access memory B) Read anywhere memory C)Random Access memory D)None of these | C |
2) | Which of the following statements is correct about RAM? | A) It retains data when PC is turned off B) It is type of read & write memory C)It contains start up- instructions D)It is peripheral | B |
3) | Which type of memory gets lost when you switch off | A) ROM B) RAM C) Cache D) Dynamic | B |
4) | Why RAM is so called | A) Because it is read & write memory B) Because it is volatile memory C)Because it can be selected directly for storing & retrieving data & instructions of any location of chip D)Because it is non- volatile memory | C |
5) | RAM is volatile memory because | A) It can be used for both read & write B) any location can be accessed directly into it C) Continuous power supply is required for it to retain data D) It does not require continuous power supply | C |
6) | The advantage of DRAM is | A) It can cheaper than SRAM B) It can store more than that of SRAM C)it is faster than SRAM D)Both 1 & 3 | D |
7) | Today, the common form of RAM is built with | A) Transistors B) Vacuum Tubes C) Semi-conductors ICS D) Super conductors ICS | C |
8) | Which of the following memory chip is faster? | A) There is no certainty B) DRAM C) SRAM d) D RAM is faster for larger chip | B |
9) | Which of the following is the second largest measurement of RAM | A) Terabyte B) Megabyte C) Byte D) Gigabyte | D |
10) | —–consists of volatile chips that temporarily store data or instructions | A) CPU B) ROM C) RMA D) RAM | D |
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