Math Data Sufficiency-Set-2 in Bengali
প্রিয় পাঠক, ব্যাঙ্কিং পরীক্ষার উপযোগী ম্যাথ ডাটা সাফিসিয়েন্সি প্রশ্ন (Math Data Sufficiency-Set-2) এখানে দেওয়া হলো।
কোয়ান্টিটিভ অপটিটুড – ডাটা সাফিসিয়েন্সি – সেট –২
Directions (1-8) Each of the questions below consist of a question & two statements numbered I & II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the Statement are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements & give answer.
A) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
B) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data instatement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
C)If the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
D)If the data in both the statement I & II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
E) If the data in both statement I & II together are necessary to answer the question
1)If Ram sells a product at 20 % profit, how much profit will he earn
I)The sell price was 120 % of the cost price
II)The difference between the sell price and the cost price was Rs 50
2)What is the speed of a train which crosses another train ruing in opposite direction in Y seconds?
I)Both the trains have the same length and speed
II)One train crosses a pole in 5 seconds
3)What is two-digit number?
I)The difference of the two digits is 9
II)The sum of the digits is equal to the difference of the digits
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4)Find out the area of square inscribed in a circle?
I)radius of the circle has given
II)Perimeter of the circle has given
5)How many children in a class can speak Hindi?
I)Only 20 % children in the class cannot speak Hindi?
II)44 children in the class cannot speak Hindi
Math Data Sufficiency-Set-2-ANSWER
From I, we dot calculate the exact amount. There is no cost price . Hence I, is not sufficient
From II,Profit is 50 (SP-CP=50) .Hence II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
2.D) Both are not sufficient to answer the questions
From I, The two digit number can be formed by using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. The difference between 0 & 9 is 9
So, the digit used is 90. Hence I is sufficient.
From II, Sum of the digits = difference of the digit. The number can be 20,30,40 etc.
Hence II is not sufficient.
From I, we will get the diameter, which is equal to the diagonal, and area can be found.
From II “R” will be get . Hence area will get.
From I is clear that only 80 % can speak Hindi
From I & II 20 % = 44 so 80 % = (44*80)/20= 176
6)By selling a product for Rs 450 How much profit was earned?
I)20 % profit would have been earned if he had been sold for Rs 480
II)The profit was one-third of the purchase price.
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7)By selling an article at Rs 5250 what is the profit percentage gained?
I)5 % discount is given on the list price
II) The cost price of the article is Rs 5000
8)What is the cost price of the suitcase of Amit?
I)Amit got 20 % discount on the labeled price.
II) Amit sold the suitcase for Rs 2000 with 25 % profit on the labeled price.
Directions (9-10) In each of the questions one question is given followed by data in three statements I,II,III. You have to study the questions and the data in the statements and decide that the question can be answered with data in which of the statements and mark your answer accordingly.
9)What is the profit earned by selling a motorcycle for Rs 20010
I. The cost price of 6 such motorcycle is equal to Rs 1.2 lakh
II. 25 % profit is earned by selling each motorcycle
III. The ratio of selling to cost price is 12.5: 10.9
A) All
B) Only II
C) Any of one of the three
D) Sata insufficient
E) None of these
10)What is A’s share in the profit earned at the end of 2 years in a join business run by A,B & C
I.A invested Rs 75000 to start the business
II.B & C joined A after six months by investing the amount in the ratio of 3:5
III. The total amount invested by B & C is Rs 2.4 lakh
A) Only II
B) Only III
C) Only either I or II
D) All I,II & III
E) Question can’t be answered even with the help of all three statements.
See also: –বাংলায় ম্যাথ ট্রিকস
From I
480 *100= CP (100+20)
Profit 50
From II
SP= CP + Profit
So, we get the answer
So, either I or II is sufficient to answer the question
From I, List price is not occur, so we can’t find the answer
From II,Profit 5 %
Hence statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
From I & II together
Let the labeled price be Rs 100
Now SP, of the suitcase =125 % of Rs 100=Rs 125
Labelled price = (2000*100)/125=1600
CP of the suitcase =1600 *3/4=Rs 1200
From I
Cost price =120000/6=20000
Profit = 20010-20000=10
From II
Profit 20010-(20010 *100/125) =4002
From III
Profit = (20010*2.5)/100= 4002
Hence any of the three is sufficient
Profit is not occur