English error correction questions with solutions
প্রিয় পাঠক, আজকে তোমাদের সামনে পরীক্ষার উপযোগী ইংরেজি ত্রুটি সংশোধন (English error correction questions with solutions)প্রশ্ন তুলে ধরলাম। আশা করি এটা তোমাদের খুব কাজে লাগবে
ইংরেজি–ইংরেজি ত্রুটি সংশোধন প্রশ্ন-সেট 5
Find out the error part of the following sentence-
1)Hardly had I (a)/reached the airport, where (b)/I learned about (c)/the powerful bomb explosions (d)/No error (e)
2)One of my brother (a)/told me about (b)/ the sad demise (c)/of your uncle(d)/No error(e)
3)He is not only (a)/sincere towards his responsibilities (b)/but also very competent (c)/to handle the job (d)/No error (e)
4)One of the most (a)widely spread (b)/bad habit (c)/is the use of tobacco (d)/No error (e)
5)This is type of product (a)/is not available in (b)/any of the shop (c)/in the market around plaza (d)/No error (e)
6)Hardly did she went (a)/out of her house (b)/when the postman came(c)/with the Telegram (d)/No error(e)
7)He has not only built (a)/this big theatre but also (b)/a few bungalows in this city (d)/No error(e)
8)There has not been (a)/any rain fall in this (b)/part of the country (c)/since the last two years (d)/No error (e)
9)Unless I do not get (a)/some tea(b)/I shall not be able (c)/to do any more work(d)/No error(e)
10)No sooner the advertisement appeared (a)/in the newspapers(b)/than there was a rush(c) at the booking window(d)/No error(e)
11)Not one of the hundreds(a)/of striking workers (b)/ were allowed to go (c)/ near the factory (d)/ No error (e)
12)One of his many (a)/good traits that (b)/come to my mind (c)/was his modesty (d)/No error (e)
13) I am sure that (a)/neither the house (b)/nor its contents(c)/is for sale (d)/No error (e)
Read More: –Quantifiers word error rule -How to find out
14) The agitating students had taken(a)/ a vow not to return to their (b)/classes until their demands were not (c)/ accepted by the principal (d)/no error (e)
15)To perform (a)/this experiment, (b)/drop little sugar (c)/into a glass of water (d)/No error(e)
16) AS he had taken (a)/only a few sips,(b)/there was still little water (c)/left in the glass(d)/ No error (e)
17)All I knows that (a)/ I won’t be at place (b)/with myself (c)/unless I do not go there(d)/No error (e)
18)This town is not very (a)/well known (b)/and there is not much to see (c), so a few tourists come here (d)/no error (e)
19)With little patience (a)/You will (b)be able to (c)/cross this hurdle(d)/No error (e)
1)(b)Change where to when. Use when with hardly
2)(a)Change brother as brothers.
*** Use plural form of nouns after – any of, most of, one of
4. (c)Change habit as habits
5. (c)Change shop as shops
6.(a)Write go instead of went.
*** use V-1 with did
7.(a) Write He has built not only
8.(d)Write for instead of since
*** For is used for period of time
9. (a)Delete do not
***Double negative should not be used
10.(a)You can either
No sooner had the advertisement appeared
No sooner did the advertisement appear.
Read More: –Conjunction type error part -How to find out
11(c)Write was instead of were.
** The subject not one is singular
12.No error
13.(d) Write are for sale. In such construction, the verb is governed by the noun nearby.
14.(c)We should not use not with until/unless
15.(c)Write a little, Little means almost no,while a little means some
16 (c) Write a little, Little means almost no,while a little means some
17.(d)Delete do not. Use of not with until / unless should usually be avoided.
18.(d)write few, few means almost no.
19.(a)Write a little patience. Little means no, has negative effect.