English Questions set for SSC WBCS
প্রিয় পাঠক, আজকে তোমাদের সামনে পরীক্ষার উপযোগী ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন (English Questions set for SSC WBCS) তুলে ধরলাম। আশা করি এটা তোমাদের খুব কাজে লাগবে।
English-Practice Set-Miscellaneous -set 5
Direction (1-10) In the following questions, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select ‘No Error’.
1)Many a man have(A)/come to Indian from Canada (B)/to live here permanently. (C)/No error(D)
2)Out cricket team (A)/comprises of (B) eleven skilled players (C)/No error(D)
3)Asutosh leapt on (A)/the opportunity (B)/that came his way ((C)/No error(D)
4)I worked (A)/as a verbal trainer (B)/for eight months (C)/No error(D)
5)Every student have (A)/to submit the assignment (B)/by this afternoon (C)/No error(D)
6)Mrs. Gupta invited (A)/all her daughter-in-laws (B)/to the grand party last Sunday (C)/No error(D)
7)Out social science teacher told (A)/to study the map of the world (B)/for a test (C)/No error(D)
8)My sister-in-law (A)/who lives in Chennai (B)/have come to stay with us (C)/No error(D)
9)My friend Sahib (A)/is one of the best football player (B)/in the county (C)/No error(D)
10)When she left the (A)/house at 10 o’clock her (B)/daughter was still at home (C)/No error(D)
Read More: –English error correction questions with solutions
Direction (11-20) In the following questions, improve the bracketed part of each sentence.
11)For the (first time from) 2009, fans in Pakistan may have a reason to celebrate.
A) first time after
B) first time since
C) first time long
D) No improvement
12)Gayle’s call-up follows a relaxation in Cricket West Indies’s criteria (in orderly to be) eligible for selection.
A) in order to be
B) from order to be
D)No improvement
13)The patriots had comparatively modest start, (scoring as much) 38 in the powerplay.
A) scoring only
B ) scoring enough
C) but scores
D) No improvement
14)(No sooner after) she was jailed for her conviction on corruption charges, they began taking keen interest in her.
A) No soon after
B) soon after
C) sooner after
D) No improvement
15)Asking stock exchanges (to examine) possible lapses in their corporate governance.
A) to testing
B) examining
C) for examining
D) No improvement
16)He (is a killing) combination of looks and talent
A) is a killer
B) is a killed
C) was a killed
D)No improvement
17)The project is running behind schedule (for around) three years.
A) in around
B) at around
C) by around
D) No improvement
18)While the mosquito which spreads chikungunya and dengue (breeds on) fresh water.
A) breeds at
B) breeds in
C) breeds above
D)No improvement
19)These incidents tend to pick up most monsoon, (there could be) urgent need to focus on preventive measures.
A) there is an
B) there was an
C) there could have been an
D) No improvement
20)A surprisingly high number of case of the flue are (being seen) this year.
A) being taken care
B) being witnessed
C) being shown
D)No improvement
Read More: –English Cloze Test Questions for Bank Exam-Do not miss out
“Many a” is followed by a singular countable noun and takes a singular verb
Comprise =consist of. be made up of
Here, comprises or consist of …..should be used here
Leapt at the chance /opportunity = to accept an opportunity very eagerly
Period of time is evident
Hence, Present perfect i.e I have worked …..should be used
“Every student” is singular subject
Use “Daughters-in-law“
“Tell”must take an object . Hence, Our social science teacher told the students or said….should be used here
The antecedent of relative pronoun ‘who’ is my sister-in –law (singular). Hence, singular verb.i.e has to come to stay with us ….should be used here
“One of’ is followed by a plural noun/pronoun. Hence, use “players“
11.B) For point of time, since is used. Hence, first time since….should be here.
12.A) In order to = with the aim or purpose of doing something.
Only= and no one or nothing more besides, at most
Soon after= a short time after something else has happened
Use “is a killer”
Use “by around“
BY=no later than
Around =approximately
It is a preposition related error
Breed = reproduce
The sentence relates to the present tense. Hence, use “there is an”
When a place or period witnesses a particular event, the event happens in that place of during that period.