English Error Questions-Set-4
প্রিয় পাঠক, আজকে তোমাদের সামনে চাকরির পরীক্ষার উপযোগী ইংরেজি ত্রুটি সংশোধন (English Error Questions-Set-4)প্রশ্ন তুলে ধরলাম।
ইংরেজি–ইংরেজি ত্রুটি সংশোধন প্রশ্ন-সেট ৪
DIRECTIONS (1-10) -Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is “No error”, the answer is (E)
1)The greatest joy in publishing a new magazine (A)/ over four decades has been to (B)/ observe the ebb or flow of history (C)/ accompanied by political tsunamis (D)/No Error (E)
2)After 25 years, we have a single (A)/ party in power with (B)/ a clear majority and a (C)/ mandate of development (D)/No Error (E)
3)Answer to our population problems (A)/ lies in education and not in coercive and criminal sterilization (B)/ drives with unrealistic targets and (C)/ hard -to-resist monetary incentives (D)/ No Error (E)
4)Extending an invitation to the President of the US (A)/ for the Republic Day barely a month after Prime minister visit (B)/ to the Big Apple puts strengthening of ties (C)/ among the world’s two biggest democracies firmly on track (D)/No Error (E)
5) Hopefully, this last order of the apex court (A) will help in bringing speedy closure to the case (B) and sound our politicians and bureaucrats (c) against interfering in CBI investigations. (D)/ No Error (E)/
6)Among the many things that Japanese novelist talks (A)/ about when he talks about running is a brief treatise (B)/ that captures both the audacity of youth (C)/ as well as the optimism that comes with dexterity (D)/ No Error (E)
Read More: –Quantifiers word error rule -How to find out
7) Young Indian pursuing different goals in varied arenas (A)/ are thinking differently, creating new business models (B)/ an influence our life and times more comprehensively (C)/ than at any time in our history (D)/ No Error (E)
8) it is tough to single from a couple of names (A)/ from among a large number of dedicated and hard working leaders (B)/ who have shown the potential to hold (C)/ the party in good stead in the future (D)/No Error (E)
9) Though several of his young colleagues lost (A) the 2016 election, he won (B)/ convincingly, thereby showing (C)/ his connect with the grassroots (D)/ No error (E)
10) Over the next decade India (A)/can prove its potential to (B)/ the world and break the perception of (C)/ having a land of unfulfilled promises (D)/No Error (E)
English Error Questions-Set-4-ANSWEERS
1.C) Replace “or” with “and”
2.D) Replace “of” with “for”
3.A) Add “The” before “answer”
4.D) Replace “among” with “between”
5.A) Replace “last” with “latest”
6.D) Replace “as well as” with “and”
7.C) Replace “influence” with “influencing ”
8.A) Replace “from ” with “out”
10.D) Replace “having ” with “being”
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DIRECTIONS (11-15) Read each of the following four sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. Choose the sentence with no grammatical error as the correct answer. If all the given sentences are grammatically correct, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
A) John Wonamaker, founder of the stores that bear his name, once confessed, I learns 30 years ago that it is foolish to scold.
B) Whether rich or poor, American or Indian, we all have the same emotions deep with us.
C)This research indicate that we can no longer avoid significant warning during this century.
D)Every modern society depends on the trust in the skills and ethics of a variety of institutions such as schools and colleges, hospitals and markets.
E) No Error
A) Many of us have learnt not to make a public display of our emotions, particularly when they are negative.
B) Though Indians have been increasingly taking up corner office in the international companies, Rahul is the first one Indian to lead one of the top four accounting firms globally.
C)Democracy was suspended not because it came under existential treat but because it has become an obstacle to political ambitions trotted out as the nation’s solution.
D)A virtual takeover of a bankrupt civil society be a coterie of individuals whom cornered tremendous power by being able to represent the state
E) No Error
Read More: –Preamble of the Constitution-know Answers Easily
A) India has decided do away with the practice of put each imported food consignment through lab checks and switch to the international norms of random and risk based inspections
B) SP Sumit Singh, along with Devesh Pandey, and DSP Hasan, headed separate terms that include cops from six police stations and investigators from the district police crime cell.
C)Our emissions standards are one-tenth that of global averages and far more stringent than even Europe.
D)The university has received about 500 applicants for the course; out of them 50 will be shortlisted for the programme.
E) No Error
A) The RBI lifted the ban upon imports of gold coins and medallions by banks and trading houses.
B) President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated Indian international trade Fair 2016 in Pragati Maidan in New Delhi
C)Three Indian, Two women and one man were among the shortlisted 100 applicants whom were chosen for one way trip to mars under one mission.
D)Fasting not only detoxifies the system but also gives a person training in endurance, a spirit of acceptance and self-control
E) No Error
A) Corner offices are considered desirable because they have windows on two exterior walls.
B) Breaks in future markets generally occur due to unforeseen external factors that affects the spot price for commodities.
C)The company has been expanding rapid and I feel it is now time to stop growing and making our present position stronger.
D)The waiter asked if we are all together so I explained that we are two separate parties
E) No Error
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