English Practice set for SSC WBCS
প্রিয় পাঠক, আজকে তোমাদের সামনে পরীক্ষার উপযোগী ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন (English Practice set for SSC WBCS)তুলে ধরলাম।
English-Practice Set-Miscellaneous -set 4
Directions (1-5) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can most appropriately substitute the given word(s) or sentence.
1)One whose wife is dead
A) bachelor
B) spinster
C) widower
D) widow
2)The centre of attraction.
A) focus
B) cynosure
C) point
D) custodian
3)The murder of one’s father
A) homicide
B) fratricide
C) patricide
D) regicide
4)Overturn in water
A) drown
B) swim
C) wreck
D) capsize
5)That cannot be explained
A) inexplicable
B) inexplicit
C) intolerable
D) irrevocable
Directions (6-10) In the following question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternative to the bold part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is No Improvement.
6)Coding I nothing but putting up information in a given format.
A) filling up
B) putting in
C) no improvement
D) organising
7)As soon as I called her, she came out of her house.
A) is coming out
B) has come out
C) come out
D)No improvement
8)There are schools in either sides of the road
A) schools on either side
B) school on either side
C) school on either sides
D) No improvement
9)We acted your instructions.
A) acted upon your
B) acted your very
C) acted over your
D) No improvement
10)Many years have passed since India became free
A) had became free
B) no improvement
C) become free
D) has became free
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Directions (11-15) In the following questions, the paragraph given with blank is to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.
Education is for life, not merely for a livelihood. As long as we are unmindful of this (11), the (12) of our educational curriculum as well as that of our (13) and students is likely to remain (14). It is not enough for a society to have experts. It needs human beings who can think , feel and act generously , the kind of people who can not be replaced by computers and (15).
A) measure
B) resource
C) story
D) truth
A) efficiency
B) effectiveness
C) quality
D) quantity
A) friends
B) ideals
C) parents
D) teachers
A) inadequate
B) indifferent
C) represented
D) unmeasurable
A) mechanics
B) monitors
C) robot
D) television
English Practice set for SSC WBCS : Answer
Fill up = complete
Hence, filling up …..should be used
Here, schools on either side …………..should be used
Either = each of two
Act upon something = to do something because of another person’s advice or order.
Hence, acted upon your ……………..should be used here.
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Directions (1-5) In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and mark it by selecting the appropriate option.
1)The man felt …………when he got to know that he had been cheated.
A) worried
B) horrified
C) humiliated
D) disgraced
2)The chairman ….the company’s funds , so he was dismissed
A) pirated
B) misplaced
C) misappropriated
D) enticed
3)Rohan yelled ……….her and she hastily retreated .
A) towards
B) to
C) on
D) at
4)He stood ………..Ankita, but could not utter a single word for quite some time .
A) to
B) for
C) before
D) towards
5)We are all accountable ……….team leader for our work on this project
A) of
B) with
C) for
D) to
Directions (6-10) In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
6) by fair means or foul
A) by any means
B) to make sense
C) undecided controversial
D) to get puzzled
7)Sword of Damocles
A) Life full of quarrels
B) Imminent danger
C) In a state of suspense and anxiety
D)remain faithful to the cause
8)Out of elbow
A) By all means
B) Old
C) Poor
D) Forever
9)Pandora’s box
A) Arguments for and against
B) To act dubiously
C) Popular
D) A prolific source of trouble
10)A nig-nog
A) Watchful
B) Very old
C) A fool
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Directions (11-15) In the following question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternative to the bold part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is No Improvement.
11)Hardly had I finished cooking dinner before Rajesh arrived
A) When
B) then
C) while
D) No improvement
12)I met the two boys, whom I believe are twins.
A) who I believe to be
B) who I believe are
C) who to my belief, are
D) No improvement
13)let’s buy a new phone with the annual bonus, can we?
A) shall we
B) can’t we
C)don’t we
D) No improvement
14)I have not written any letter to her since my brother had died.
A) was died
B) died
C) has died
D) No improvement
15)Reynash gave most of his time to music
A) devoted
B) spent
C) lent
D) No improvement
English Practice set for SSC WBCS: Answer