Important general knowledge (MCQ)
প্রিয় পাঠকবৃন্দ,আমরা আসন্ন পরীক্ষার জন্য MCQ GK (Important general knowledge)প্রশ্ন উপস্থাপন করছি।
জিকে -মিসলেনিয়াস টাইপ -সেট -১
1)Prince of Pilgrims was the name attributed to
A) Fa-Hien
B) Hiuen Tsang
C) Megathenes
D)Thomas Roe
2)The largest Union Territory of India is
A) Chandigarh
B) Puducherry
C) Andaman & Nicobar
3)Who was author of Gita Govinda
A) Jayadeva
B) Kalhana
C) kalidasa
D) Raja Rao
4) Which battle did open the Delhi area to Muhammad Ghori
A) First Battle of Tarain
B) Second Battle of Tarain
C) Battle of Khanwa
D) First Battle of Panipat
5) The Chola kings were ruling over
A) Tamil Nadu
B) Andhra
C) Kerela
D) Bengal
6) Imaginary lines joining places with same temperature are called
A) Isobars
B) Isohytes
C) Isohalines
D) isotherms
7) Crop rotation helps to
A) lesson use of pesticides
B) eliminate parasites which have selective hosts
C)yield more crops
D)produce a greater choice of plant products
8) The major component in the LPG is
A) Methane
B) Butane
C) Ethane
D) Propane
9) The primary colors in photography are
A) Red, Blue, yellow
B) Red, Yellow, Green
C) Red, Blue, Green
D) Blue, Yellow, Green
10) A conclave lens always forms
A) a real image
B) a virtual image
C)an image type which depends on object characteristics
D)an image type which depends on lens curvature
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11) Which of the Delhi sultans pursued the policy of blood & iron
A) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
B) Alauddin khilji
C) Iltutmish
D) Balban
12) The presence of pollutants in the environment is usually expressed in ppm, where “ppm” stands for
A) pollutant prevent measures
B) parts per million
C) purity per microgram
D)particles per mole
13) Chemical composition of heavy water is
A) H2O2
C) D2O
D) H2O
14)The smallest ocean is
A) Atlantic
B) Arctic
C) Pacific
D) Indian
15)Dadabhai Naroji has described his theory of Drain of Wealth in the book
A) Exploitative nature of British Rule
B) Nature of British Colonial Rule
C)Poverty and Un-British Rule in India
D)British Rule and its Consequences
16) Vitamin helpful in would healing is
A) Vitamin C
B) Vitamin D
C) Vitamin B
D) Vitamin A
17) The first viceroy of the Portuguese in the East was
A) Albuquerque
B) Joao deCastro
C) Francisco Almeida
D) Nuno da Cunha
18) The earth rotates on its axis from
A) east to west
B) west to east
C) north to south
D) south to North
19)The difference in the diameter of earth’s equator to earth’s Mediterranean line is
A)44 km
B)43 km
C)76 km
D)None of these
20) Father of History is known as
A) Herodotus
B) Hinder
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21) Heat received by earth from the sun is known as
A) Insolation
B) Solar radiation
C) Solar heat
D)Thermal radiation
22) Light is a
A) Longitudinal wave
B) Transverse wave
C)Both A & B
D)None of these
23) The term which best describes the shape of earth is
A) Ellipse
B) Geoid
C) Globe
24) World environment day is celebrated on
A)6th June
B)8th JuLy
C)9th December
D)5th June
25) World equinox falls on
A)23rd September
B)21st March
C)22th June
D)Both A & B
26) The time taken by light to travel from moon to earth is
A)2 seconds
B)1 second
C)6 seconds
D)10 seconds
27) Which one of the following India’s Lake has the highest salinity?
A) Dal Lake
B) Chilka Lake
C) Wular Lake
D)Sambhar Lake
28) Where was the first cotton mill in India established?
A) Surat
B) Mumbai
C) Ahmedabad
29) Black Hole, a geographical incident discovered by
A) S.Chandrasekhar
B) C.V.Raman
C) H.G.Khorana
D)None of these
30) Under which article Election Commission of India is set up?
A) Article 324
B) Article 356
C) Article 333
D) None of these
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Answers :–
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
A | C | A | B | A | D | B | B | C | B |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
D | B | C | B | C | A | C | A | B | A |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
B | B | A | D | D | B | D | A | A | C |